Wednesday, February 18, 2015

all the single ladies

a year ago i thought i would never meet him.

but it turned out, i had already met him.

but let me explain. in the year leading up to him, the Lord had been taking me on a faith adventure of sorts. and i had confused the voice of the Lord, with my own desires.

my desires - the beauty and glamour of living in California.

His desires - to bring me back to Colorado, i place i vowed to never return except to visit my family.

I worked for an entire year with the goal of moving to Orange County to be a part of a new church plant out there. my heart was set. i firmly stated to everyone around me that nothing could stop me from moving to California, and that's where my heart was.

(i find that when we use like "never" or "nothing" with God, He laughs and moves the pieces of your life into a total different direction...towards that very thing you said "never" to.)

i moved back to Colorado in June of 2013, with every intent of leaving by June of the next year.

in September, this chick Lindsay started working at my Starbucks. i knew she loved Jesus. but i didn't know we had so much in common. and i didn't know how much my friendship with her would change so much in my life.

in January of last year, she was speaking at the Saturday night service at our church. and she invited me to come hear her preach.

she also said, "you should meet this guy at my church, and date him"

knowing i was only a short season away from leaving Colorado forever, i said i would meet him, but couldn't make any promises.

January 18.

i met him that night.

he had a fluffy mustache.

he was awkward.

i made it very clear that i was moving to California in 6 months and had no interest in being friends.

i shut the door in my heart and made a declaration that i wasn't going to date anyone, cause it would only be a distraction from the ultimate goal of moving.

but them something started to happen inside my heart. and his.

we started to take a liking to one another.

a few months later we started hanging out.

he suckered me into playing softball with the church.

we would spend 4 hours at a time sitting talking in his old, beat up Honda.

saying goodbye at night got harder.

and one day, exactly 4 months later on May 18th, he asked me in the most precious way to be his girl.

i said yes.

meanwhile. i was still wrestling with the desire for California. but my heart had grown strings and roots in Colorado.

through a lot of prayer, talking with mentors, and talking with Byron...i made the decision to surrender that dream for the dream of being a wife and having a partner to do ministry with for the rest of my life.

we knew that if we were to date, it wasn't for fun or for kicks and giggles. it would be with the intent to get married.

that was 9 months ago. and right now we are on track to be married later this year.

and i cannot wait to share his last name and create a legacy for our family.

but i was convinced i would never meet him.

i got to the place where i was content.

i was happy.

i didn't want a man.

i wanted Jesus. only Jesus. only His plans and purposes for my life.

i desired to know His voice and His word.

i desired intimacy with Him. and i loved Him deeper and sweeter than i ever have before.

i reached the place where my soul was satisfied with just loving and being loved by my first Love. Jesus.

and then, basically out of thin air, all the puzzle pieces falling together...there he was. 

he pursued me with kindness, respect, gentleness, holiness, joy.

he was a gentleman.

he wooed the deepest parts of my heart and beckoned me to take a risk that could end in heartbreak.

or it could be the best and greatest risk i have ever taken before.

and that is what happened.

i risked falling in love.

i risked putting my heart out there.

i risked vulnerability in the deepest parts of my heart that not a lot of people have seen.

i risked sacrificing a dream, in exchange for a new dream. a better dream. a lifelong dream that was being fulfilled in front of my very eyes.

i watched as the Lord fulfilled the desires of my heart in this man.

He cares about the details and tiniest desires, you know?

the blue eyes.

the parents that are still married.

the love for Jesus.

the simple last name. (ha! no more butchering my name, folks!)

when Jesus is the center of your romance here on earth, the result is something so overwhelmingly beautiful.

and hard.

its a daily challenge.

we choose each other. daily.

we choose to forgive.

we choose to honor.

we choose to sacrifice our desires for the sake of the other.

we choose to be willing to go the extra mile to serve each other. even when it means we will have to go beyond our own comfort zone.

but we challenge each other.

we are better together than we are apart.

and i know as you are reading this, there are desires stirring up inside of you to have a romance and love story of your own.

well, dear sister.

let me assure you.

he is coming.

maybe you're not ready. perhaps he isn't ready to lead you in the way he needs to be able to.

but let me let you in on a little secret.

you know how you get annoyed when they say things like...

"it will happen in God's timing."

"it will happen when you're least expecting."

"it will happen when you don't really want it."

"it will happen when both of  you are ready and the Lord sees fit to put you together."

i know its annoying...but you know what else it is? ITS TRUTH.

me and Byron was something that definitely happened in the Lord's timing. it wasn't mine. i didn't want a relationship. but i needed one. i have grown and been put through the refining fires so much since i started dating this man. i have been challenged. i have been shaped to look more like Jesus. i have learned about love, forgiveness, submitting, and following my man as a leader.

i sure wasn't expecting it. i was expecting to be living in sunny California at this point in my life.

i didn't want it. at all. i wanted Jesus and only Jesus. i wanted to whole heartedly follow His calling.

but sometimes His calling takes us places we don't expect.

and i know that myself and Byron were both in a place of being ready and the Lord proceeded to put us together.

when he asked me out, it included a note that said "They always told me I needed to find a companion who was running after God as fast as I was. Looks like I found my running mate!"

and we're going to be running the race of life together for the rest of our lives.

hand in hand.

side by side.

neither of us trailing behind.

but both of us refusing to let the other fall behind.

God placed two broken souls together and made something so incredibly beautiful.

from the brokenness of our lives has come something new, and something that the Lord is putting through His fires so that it can last forever.

i will hold that man's hand and his heart forever. championing his dreams. pushing him forward. making him feel honored, respected and loved. doing life together.

all this being said, dear sister, don't lose heart.


the Lord is working and fighting on your behalf.

He is aligning all the puzzle pieces to fit together to create your own love story.

one that is unlike anyone else's, but one you will treasure more than any other gift the Lord has given you.

so take heart.

be patient.

rest in the fact that the Lord has not forgotten you.

He's just perfecting your story.

He's preparing you and the sweet, sweet man of yours.

so use this season of singleness to fall in love with Jesus.

i don't regret a minute of my single season.

i fell in love with Jesus in the deepest, most intimate places of my heart.

and i urge you to do the same.

when you love Jesus well, it prepares you to love your man well.

when you forget about Jesus and you're not satisfied with Him and only Him, don't think for a minute that a man will satisfy you.

he can't. only Jesus can complete you and make your heart truly satisfied and at rest.

so learn to love Jesus well.

learn to follow well.

learn His voice.

and don't stop praying for that man of yours.

he needs it.

you need it.

your heart needs it.

he's on his way, lovely one.

you are beautiful and worthy of being cherished, treasured, and led by a man who loves Jesus beyond anything or anyone in this world.

be encouraged and never lose heart in this adventure of loving Jesus.

"...He has made everything beautiful for its own time..." [ Ecclesiastes 3:11 ]