Friday, April 5, 2013


life is not a fairytale. it is a battleground.

we all have thoughts similar to....

after i graduate and have my degree and a career, then I'll be happy...

after i get married, I'll finally feel whole and not alone...

after i have a baby, my life will feel fulfilled...


life is a process. it is not an event.

we must learn to embrace the process and live in a way that takes each day at a time.

yes, its okay to make goals, but we shouldn't live with our head in the clouds in some far off land where our life seems "perfect".

we will never be effective for the Kingdom if we're lost in the days to come.

you can't see your next step if your eyes are focused on a mile away. focus on the next step.

i'm just as guilty as this as the next person. if i could skip the next 20 years and be 40 years old, with a husband, three kids, a ministry, a couple books published and influence in the women's ministry world- i would do it in a heartbeat.

but if i were to skip the next 20 years- think of how much I would miss out on.




small miracles in daily life that the Lord has planned.

falling in love.

my wedding.

the birth of my children.

their first steps, words, kindergarten graduations...

the first letter saying my book was accepted for publication.

there is so much i would miss out on if i were to skip the next twenty years, just so i could be in my "ideal, perfect" world.

i chose today, to embrace today. to embrace tomorrow. to embrace the season i am in right now.

even though i don't know what is next. even though i don't know who my husband is. even though i don't know where i'm going to get placed in a church and what i will be doing there. even though i still have to write the books that will be published one day.

i will not get so distracted with after that i forget about now. 

i make a new commitment to enjoy the moments.

i want to change the world. but first i must learn to see the beauty in moments. how will i ever change the world if i can't change moments?

life is beautiful. each moments counts.

if life is a battleground, we must live in the moment, aware of our surroundings.

its time to fight. 
Ephesians 5:15 - "Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise,  making the most of every opportunity (moment), because the days are evil."

*this post was part of a community of writers that take 5 minutes every Friday to write, just for the love of writing. you can join in at*


  1. Amen, living in the now can sometimes be the most challenging thing to do, but always so rewarding.

    Janelle Marie

  2. Amen. I look at life as a journey. Even with the ups and downs, if I focus too much on all the negatives, I am going to miss something important.

  3. hurray for embracing the now moments! So often I think about what will happen after this and after that, that I forget about the now!! Thanks for that Ephesians verse... a great thing to focus on!

    visiting from #5MF

  4. I too often cant see my next step because my eye are clouded my the future I believe will be better than my present. Thank you fo saying what I need to hear. For being the fourth person in the last few days to echo God's loving words- just do the next step. May your no be as beautiful as you believe you after will be
