Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Brand New Life.

I love Springtime. Other than Summer, it is my favorite season. I love how things that were dead all of a sudden begin to come back to life. Everything is green, the trees are filled with shades of pink, white, and yellow flowers. The trees regain their leaves. Everything comes back to life.

Rain. Rain is intoxicating. There is something so refreshing, so healing about water falling from the sky and cleansing all of creation in its springs. I love the smell of rain, the feel of walking outside and being washed by nature's shower. It washes my soul, and my heart feels hope.

Rain, and every aspect of Spring offers an incredible reminder of what Jesus has done for us.

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!"

Our humanity has left us broken, wounded, scarred, and undone. Alone, we cannot make it in this world. Our hearts have been so ravaged by the world and the ways in which it seeks to destroy us, but, there is a hope for a new and better life. This life is not perfect, by any means. It is full of trouble, hardships, pain, and brokenness, however; in the midst of all this, there is hope and life available through the One who gave Himself for us. He gave His life away to provide us with a new life. Through His Blood, our humanity and souls are washed and made new. Through His death, we can experience death of the flesh and human nature, and through His resurrection, we are given new life. From the grave, from death, comes life.

My friend, though this may sound too good to be true, I can assure you that it is true. My life was broken, wounded, shattered and left in ruins. Then, Jesus found me when I wasn't even looking for Him, and He gave me a new life. He took away my heartache, my addiction, my insecurities, my fears and my inability to truly love or trust. He made me new. He gave me joy, hope, love and a purpose and reason to live.

My prayer is that you would allow Him to do the same for you. His arms are open, waiting to give you new life, but you have to run to Him. He is pursuing you with all His might and affections, but He wants you to invite Him in. He is a gentleman and will not impose Himself upon you if it is not your desire to have Him. Once you run into His arms, I assure you, it is the most wonderful, deep love you will ever experience.

You will truly be made new. The picture of the yellow flower is significant to this discussion, I promise. I planted this tulip in the middle of my backyard when I was about 8 years old. Every year, without fail, this flower will come bursting out of the ground. It is my reminder that even from the dead, life will come forth.

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