Friday, July 8, 2011

Be Who You Were Created to Be!

So many times in life we care far too much what others think about us. I've had enough.

Tonight, I dressed up like a cow to get free Chick-Fil-A. I drove with the windows down with Lecrae blasting through the speakers. I'm six feet tall and wore 4-inch heels to church.

And through all of this, I did not care what people thought.

Honestly, why are the opinions of others so often the defining factor for how we live our lives? I don't understand. Life is too short to live to please others.

I am saying this now, but it the past I was most definitely a people pleaser. I used to be consumed with making other people happy, and focusing all my efforts on making people like me. I was so scared of rejection that I would do anything to make people like me.

I even got to the point where I realized that I had conformed myself so many times to what other people wanted me to be, that I no longer knew who I was. This was back in November. Sitting locked in a hotel bathroom in Dallas, crying harder than I had in a long time, breaking down in the middle of an identity crisis. I had no idea who I was. I was a mixture of what so many other people wanted me to be that I had forgotten who I was, who I wanted to be, and most importantly the woman that God created me to be.

I made a resolution that I was not going to conform to the desires of others any longer. I was on a mission to find out who I was and live the way that God created me to live. I let go of my obsessive need to please people and knew that I was created to please God and Him alone.

I can now say "no" to people and not have a fear that they will be upset or not like me anymore, because first of all, that is completely ridiculous, and second of all, I just don't care. Because really...if someone loves you it isn't based off of what you can do for them, and if it is, you shouldn't be friends cause they are only in it for themselves.

I can talk about my morals, my Jesus, my testimony and my beliefs and not care what people think of me. It doesn't matter. I stand firm in what I believe and I will not be shaken. I am determined to take as many people as I can to Heaven with me. Today I was told "Its not like Bible days where virginity was important and you waited for marriage to have sex. Sex is the way of the world now, there's something wrong with you and there's no reason to wait. " I simply said, "I refuse to give myself to someone who I am not in a covenant with and who is not prepared to love and lay his life down for me for the rest of his life. I'm waiting. You can say what you want but I am not gonna change my mind." Really..."The way of the world."...all the more reason not to do it, cause we are called to be separate from the world.

The lies of rejection and abandonment make people do the most absurd things to get others to like them. Just stop. Stop caring what people think and it will be one of the most freeing things you will ever experience. Chains will fall and break when you begin to live for an audience of One.

Go discover yourself and be who you were created to be. :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this post really spoke to me. I, too, lived for a very long time to keep other people happy. Abandonment is a big issue for me. I am still on my journey of changing all that. It is a script that I followed for far too long. Although I am not there yet, I am well on my way. This summer I have spent a lot of time drawing closer to the Lord and strengthening our relationship. He's had my full attention.
