Friday, July 15, 2011

Tribute to Luke.

I never thought I would have to walk through something like this.

On Monday, July 11, 2011, my best guy friend, Luke, was killed. He was pulling out of his driveway, dropped his gun on the floor of his car, reached to grab it and the gun accidentally fired, the bullet going through his hand, chest, then head. His car went through a number of fences and rolled several times. I found on the next day, on his Facebook.

My heart sunk.

How could that possibly be? How could he be gone, here on minute and gone the next?

It is still not real to me. I have wept and cried and tried to process things, but it still all seems so surreal. It hasn't fully hit me yet.

What makes it all the more worse, to me, is that he was coming to pick me up that night. We were going to spend time together. He said he was feeling alone, so I suggested we go hang out. If only we hadn't decided to go out, perhaps Luke would still be alive. I can't help but think of the "what ifs". I feel guilty, but I know he wouldn't want me to.

I want to share with you a little bit about this extraordinary young man I had the privilege of knowing for a short year.

Luke wasn't what society would call "normal". No, he marched to the beat of his own drum, and didn't care what people thought about him. He wasn't perfect, but he was incredibly real. Probably one of the most real people I have ever known. He was always open and honest, showing who He was in everything that he did.

Luke was selfless. He was always there to extend a helping hand to those in need, and he never expected anything in return. A true servant.

Luke was passionate. He was deeply in love with His Savior, Jesus Christ. He was passionate about sharing Jesus with others and seeing them come to know the Lord how he had. A few weeks ago he told me that one of his friends he had been talking to for a very long time about Jesus finally made the decision to ask Jesus to come into his life, and Luke was so excited.

He was passionate about justice. Luke and I were in the process of starting a human trafficking awareness group, called Empathy Strike, to educate people and do what we could to damage this horrendous form of darkness. He loved justice.

He was kind. He was empathetic. Compassionate. He was always a listening ear, and always cared about what others were going through.

Luke was funny. He had a wild and crazy sense of humor, and I remember all the times he made me laugh like few people could.

He called me "AK". One day he said, "Your name backwards is 'Yesak', so the only logical thing to call you is 'AK' he did. I'm going to miss that. The times I look at my phone and wish I could get a text from him 'AK. Poke.' But that won't happen.

He saw worth in people that no one else would see, recognize, or acknowledge. He was the first guy to see and show me my worth, without having alternative intentions. He built up mine and many others' confidence and self-value.

He proved to me that chivalry still exists. He opened doors. He helped me put my coat on in the winter. He paid for things when we hung out. A true gentleman.

There really are no words to do justice to how much of an extraordinary person Luke was. He was full of love.

But, Luke is no longer here. He is with Jesus. He is happy. He no longer has to suffer from the constant torment and attack the enemy was always throwing at him. He has entered into the joy of his salvation.

To be honest, I'm kind of jealous of him. He got to see Jesus first. He gets to behold the God of everything for the rest of eternity.

Luke, you will never know the impact you had on my life and on so many others. You were my brother. I love you. I will miss you. I cling tight to the hope that you are with our Lord and I will see you again one day.

There is a verse that I believe describes his life perfectly. It says,

Micah 6:8 (MSG) -- "But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously—take God seriously."

Do justice. Love mercy. Walk humbly with your God.

Your memory will go on forever, dear friend. Give Jesus the biggest hug in the history for me. I'll see you on the other side.

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