Monday, March 5, 2012

one hundred things. some of them matter, some of them don't

1. I love Jesus..
2. I want everyone to know Jesus' love.
3. I love Mexicans. I consider myself Mexican at heart.
4. If I could live off of chocolate, I would.
5. I have never been overseas.
6. I'm a writer.
7. My favorite color is purple.
8. I have a husky named Macchiato.
9. I am a Starbucks addict.
10. I have repelled off of a 125 foot cliff.
11. I used to be bulimic. Jesus healed me.
12. I'm in ministry school. I will use my life to spread the Kingdom on earth.
13. I love cherry limeades from Sonic. I haven't had one since I moved to Alabama.
14. I'm by no means an artist, but I love to paint.
15. I'm a sweatpants, hoodie and pony tail kind of girl.
16. My bedroom is bright orange and the ceiling is hot pink.
17. I sleep with a dolphin pillow pet named Darius.
18. My life verses are Joshua 1:9 and Jeremiah 1:5.
19. I am terrified of tornadoes and live smack dab in the middle of the state that gets the most.
20. I spent 5 years in a Hispanic church as one of 5 white people in the church. I've never felt so at home or part of a family at a church than I did then.
21. My best friend lives in Alaska. I miss her everyday.
22. My other best friend, Liz, is starting her teaching career this summer. I am so proud.
23. I am Pastor Kellen's little sister. I have been asked roughly 5,000 times. Yes. Its true.
24. I once wrote a 40 page research paper on youth ministry.
25. I like water and its the main thing I drink. My nalgene is on me at all times.
26. Honestly, I like to enjoy an occasional girly drink with my girlfriends.
27. My favorite scent is cucumber melon.
28. I wear Curve perfume.
29. I speak, write and understand Spanish fluently.
30. I wear an "iCan" bracelet that my spiritual dad gave me. I haven't taken it off since he put it on my wrist 4 months ago.
31. I have 7 brothers and sisters. I am the youngest.
32. I adore my family.
33. I managed to get three A's from the hardest English professor at my college back home. I am incredibly proud of this accomplishment.
34. I am currently reading Beautiful Outlaw by John Eldredge.
35. <<----My high school class rank out of 300ish.
36. My TOMS stink and have tons of holes, but I still think they're the most comfortable shoes in the world.
37. I play guitar.
38. I love hiking and miss my Colorado mountains terribly.
39. It is my goal to have my first book published by the time I turn 25.
40. I love Shakespeare.
41. I had cysts on my ovaries that could have been cancerous. Jesus healed me.
42. I tried to kill myself. Jesus protected me.
43. I am German.
44. When I marry I am going to backpack through Europe with my husband.
45. I want to be a wife and mom more than anything.
46. My favorite blanket is a fuzzy and has zebra stripes.
47. I am 6 feet tall.
48. My smile is screwed up from 7 months of bulimia. Its the thing I hate most about myself. I would have so much more confidence if it weren't that way. It makes me feel ugly. I've never told anyone how I feel about that until right here, right now.
49. I am currently obsessed with the song "Tonight the Stars Speak" by The Glorious Unseen.
50. I used to be depressed and cut myself. Jesus gave me joy.
51. My best guy friend was killed in an accident 8 months ago. I miss him everyday.
52. Sometimes I don't believe I'm good enough to be in ministry or do what God has called me to.
53. I believe in miracles. I believe God still raises people from the dead, opens blind eyes, heals cancer, and does crazy things like make limbs that weren't there grow into place.
54. My favorite flower is a rose. Unoriginal, I know. They're just so beautiful.
55. I love sunsets. Its how God whispers His love to me.
56. I am a sucker for letters. Give me a note or letter and you have won my heart.
57. I want honey orange shrimp from Elephant Bar...too bad there isn't one in Birmingham.
58. I miss my mom's cooking.
59. I grew up without a dad and can honestly say that even though he wasn't there, God placed men in my life who filled the gap and God Himself has revealed His heart as Daddy.
60. I have been cliff-jumping. I would go again in a heartbeat.
61. I stopped talking when I started school. My kindergarten teacher thought I had a speech disorder. I've been shy ever since.
62. I hate human trafficking and will do everything I can with the influence God will give me to end it.
63. There is a massive chunk of my heart in Mexico and I need to go retrieve it someday soon.
64. I like to go to Ulta and smell all of the men's cologne. There is no better smell than a man.
65. I drove from Colorado to Alabama, 24 hours, by myself, without getting lost.
66. Nobody has seen by true personality that comes out when I'm alone in my car or room.
67. I worked at Taco Bell for two years. How embarrassing.
68. I am an Auburn fan. Alabama fans are obnoxious. Auburn is more classy. War Eagle.
69. I find Ben and Jerry's ice cream therapy to be incredibly helpful.
70. I love rain. Perhaps something to do with me being born in Seattle.
71. Pineapple is the best fruit. Watermelon is second.
72. I know how to throw clay and make pottery.
73. I am learning patience for stupid people.
74. I am sarcastic. I need to stop.
75. My family nickname is Moose. Has been for roughly 10 years.
76. I met Jesus when I was 15 years old. He won my heart and rescued me.
77. Most of the time I don't know where my next tank of gas is going to come from, but God always provides for all of my needs.
78. I am running a half marathon in a month. I am so not ready.
79. I don't like getting B's. If I don't get A's...I feel like I failed.
80. I'm learning that failure and being less than perfect is a good thing as long as I act in excellence and give everything my 100% best effort.
81. I've been drunk one time. I will never do it again.
82. I love the sound of laughter. Especially children's laughter.
83. I love to read. You may have figured this out already.
84. The most influential person in my life thus far: Brent Parsley.
85. I wear a promise ring that says "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine." It will stay on my finger until I get engaged. It will then by worn by my husband.
86. I hate cats.
87. I hate flying.
88. I cry. A lot.
89. In college I wore fake glasses when I wanted to look and feel more studious.
90. <<----The year I was born.
91. I am a major procrastinator.
92. I want to get a tattoo. Or multiple.
93. I want to be like Lisa Bevere and do what here and her husband do.
94. I remember every single song from my childhood.
95. I like to roast marshmallows over a candle inside.
96. Adventures in Odyssey? YES. Love. Grew up on it. I'm 21 and still listen to them.
97. I just want to know Jesus more and more everyday.
98. I almost did an undercover op to expose a club that was using trafficking.
99. Did I really make it to 99?
100. God has huge plans for my life. I can't wait to live this adventure and see His purposes play out. It is going to blow my freaking face off.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this blog piece. I was searching blogs on blogger and happened upon yours. I really like the concept of "100 things" and you officially have a new follower haha. Feel free to follow mine as well.
