Friday, May 4, 2012

day four. family.

I come from a highly dysfunctional family.

My dad left us for another woman when I was seven years old. My mom never remarried, so I have never had the presence of a dad or known what it was like to have a dad. We don't really communicate in my family. We don't ever share our emotions or talk about what we are feeling. Everything stays pretty surface level. My mother doesn't listen most of the time. She hears, but is very unresponsive and I can tell she isn't listening. It sometimes feels like we are all drawing further and further apart from one another. I love my family to death, but we have issues.

Since I've been in Alabama, God has completely given me a new picture of what family means.

Psalm 68:6 says, "God sets the lonely in families."

I never understood what that verse meant until I found family here.

In my school, its more than just a school...its a family. We are brothers and sisters. My friends are more than just friends. Those are my brothers and sisters. My teachers...more than just instructors, they are spiritual mothers and fathers. We all love each other and accept each other as one big, happy family.

My home sponsors. I was just thinking about this today, as my time is quickly wrapping up with them. They are more than just the people I live with, they are my family. Legitimately. I can't even tell you how much I love them. They have impacted my life in extraordinary measures.

My roommate, Brooke, said it best tonight...she said that the same anxiety she felt leaving home for the first time, leaving her mom and dad to come in, "what am I going to do when I come home and mom and dad aren't there?" She said she feels the same way now about leaving them. That perfectly describes it. Sam and Jackie are family. They're like our mom and dad here.

I don't remember when my dad was around, only when he wasn't. This is the first time in my life that I have known what it is like to have a dad. A father who loves, genuinely cares about me, believes in me, wants the best for me, provides for me, protects me. To feel the embrace of a father. Its incredible. Its something I've never known. I have been asking God for my entire life to give me someone who could be a spiritual dad on earth. I know God is our Father but I wanted a father figure here...and He brought me all the way to Birmingham, Alabama to give me the most incredible spiritual dad that He could ever possible give me. Its been such a blessing knowing him and Jackie, and even more so, living in their home and being a part of their family.

Jackie is like another mom to me. I love that woman so much. She is full of fire, passion, drive and love. She has instilled in me a sense of confidence and believing in myself and that who I am is enough. I don't feel like I have to try to be something I'm not around her. I can be me. Just Kasey. I've never been able to do that around anybody before. And I can with them. I have learned so much from her the past couple months and will forever treasure the nuggets of wisdom she has imparted to me.

God does indeed set the lonely in families. I left my family in Colorado to move all the way across the country and God gave me another family here. I've been a mess today and I'm sure I will be the rest of the week, just thinking about leaving everybody here and my family. I love them so much. They are treasures in my life and I am so blessed to have them. I thank God everyday for placing them in my life and giving me to honor and privilege of knowing them and learning from them. I've been hugging them a little tighter and more often and soaking up every moment I have left. These are relationships I want to last a lifetime. These relationships are treasures and gems that aren't to be thrown and abused. I honor and respect them so much. They have changed my life more than Highlands College itself.

I was thinking on Monday night when we had spa night at the hospital for moms of chronically sick kids...if I hadn't gone to this outreach last November, what would my life look like today? I would have never met Sam and Jackie. I would have never had that incredible, life-changing God encounter in the prayer room with Sam...actually multiple. Cause of that...I would probably still be living in a lot of fear and captivity and bondage. And I would have never gotten to live with them for the past couple months and gotten all the incredible wisdom, love and joy that living here has given me. I wouldn't have the most incredible spiritual dad that I could have ever asked for. I wouldn't have an extraordinary woman of God as my spiritual mother. I would not be the person I am today...6 months later.

It goes to show that when we are obedient to God's calling and what He tells us to do, where He tells us to matter how small...He honors that. He takes it to another level. So much can come out of something so small. Its incredible how much has come out of that one little outreach at the hospital. I would have never ever ever imagined how much my life would change by going to serve a group of broken women that night. I thought it would end there...but I am still feeling and walking in the blessings and effects from that nights. And I get to treasure these relationships for a very long time. 

This life is beautiful. God sets the lonely in families. He has incredible blessing in store for us when we listen to and obey His calling.

I love you, Maniscalcos. Forever. Thank you for the extraordinary blessing you have been to me and allowing me to be a part of your family. You are beautiful souls and rare treasures. Your impact is far beyond what you will ever understand.

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