Wednesday, June 20, 2012

you walk with me through fire, and heal all my disease.

If you have been following my quaint little blog for any amount of time, you probably know that I have been through the wringer medically the past 8 months.

I had surgery in October to remove a tennis ball cyst from my ovary.

I was told the cysts wouldn't come back. They did. They do. All the time.

They grow, they rupture. They grow, they rupture. Its a sick cycle. I miss a period about every 3 months and have abnormal bleeding. The pain never fully goes away. My doctor didn't seem interested in trying to figure out what is wrong or helping me.

I decided to get a second opinion. The only problem was that I dropped my insurance and am still trying to pay off $3,000 worth of medical bills from my last hospital stay.

I've been searching for an answer or a way to milk the system since I got back to Colorado.

Last night I stumbled upon the fact that there is a women's clinic Dream Center in town. I decided to check it out and found that treatment there is completely free.

I went in today to inquire about getting an appointment.

The man at the front desk says that they are booked until August.

Okay. "When in August?" I asked.

August 25th.

Well junk. I'm moving back to Alabama on August 14th.

I asked if there was anything before then. He asked if I had an urgent or pressing condition or concern. I explained my situation and all that has been going on and expressed my fears and frustrations.

The woman sitting next to him starts looking through the schedule and says, "Oh. We had a cancellation today. We'll see you in 45 minutes."

Can you say JESUS?!

Unfortunately today was one of those days where I rolled out of bed, threw my hair up in a bun, put on sweats and went to class. I took no care to my appearance at all. So I had to speed home and take the fastest shower of my life. I ain't seeing no women's doctor without a shower. Ha!

So I go back and give the woman at the desk my drivers license and she says, "Any relation to Kellen?" What? Yeah. He's my brother. She told me how they see him like family and go way back, both her daughters are friends with my brothers, and they both did 24/7 in Alabama. I told her that I'm in 24/7 in Alabama. Small world, huh?

So I went in and went through all the routine vitals, "why are you here?", medical history, "are you pregnant?", "could you possibly be pregnant?" questions and routine. I've gotten used to it. Ha!

She decided to do a full exam and she said that as far as she could tell, everything is normal right now and she couldn't feel any enlarged organs or issues. She also said she wasn't able to completely reach the end so its possible she couldn't feel if there was anything. Good news is she said I don't have to deal with getting another one until I get married!

So I am going back in 3 weeks for a follow-up ultrasound. She said that the ultrasound will be an extensive look at my organs and that will tell them what is going wrong, show any abnormalities, diagnose PCOS/Endometriosis/whatever the heck else it could be. After that she's going to sit down with me and we're going to discuss treatment options and the best way to manage my cysts.

This doctor actually cared to listen to me, about my concerns, and wants to help me manage and get this junk under control. She was so nice, gentle, understanding and sympathetic. A complete contrast to my doctor in Birmingham. He's great...just too clinical and by the book. And he's a man.

I will write as soon as I get a diagnosis or further information and my treatment plan.

If you read this, I ask that you would be praying for me. One, I need healing. I believe God can heal me. Two, when I go back that my doctor would be able to come up with the best plan to fix me and that God would give her wisdom and insight. Three, I still need God to provide the money to pay off my old medical bills so the debt collectors will quit hounding me. Thank you so much! 

This all just shows me how much God is my provider, sustainer, healer, and how He cares about everything in our lives. He wants the best for us.

This is the biggest blessing in the world. I'm so happy He is finally working all of this together for my good. And all the treatment I am getting at this place is completely FREE. Such a big deal!

All He asks is that we ask Him and simply trust that He is good and He will come through.

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