Thursday, July 11, 2013


we live in a culture and time that encourages business and filling up every minute of every day with work or activities.

we're constantly being told to focus on where we are going. tomorrow. a month from now. a year from now. five years from now. "what are your long term goals?" and if you don't have goals or a visions for your life, then what the heck are you doing?

do we forget that part of vision is seeing what is directly in front of you, not just ten years down the road?

if fact, i'd go as far to say that one of the biggest parts of vision is seeing what is around you and before you...right now. the present.

i might have dreams of writing books and speaking internationally at women's conferences and churches one day, but if i forget about today, those dreams are never going to happen.

i need to love Jesus with all i am. today.

i need to develop godly character. today.

i need to strive to live a life of increased and consistent integrity. today.

i need to love the people around me. today.

i need to develop my gifts and talents. today.

i need to be content with where i am and what my life looks like. today.

i'm not saying that its bad to have a life vision or to dream. quite contrary. i have massive vision for my life. i am by nature a dreamer. i dream big, bold, audacious dreams. dreams others wouldn't dare to dream.

but if i don't focus on loving Jesus, loving people, being 100% who God created me to be today, the destiny He has planned out for me will never happen in my tomorrows. 

my heart's desire is to be a tangible expression of Christ to the world. today. and tomorrow. but the present is all i have right now, and it must be attacked vigorously.

Matthew 11:12- "From the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it."

so in the midst of business and full time slots, i wonder if the King of Love is beckoning us to hit the pause button on life. to settle down. to be still. to focus on the moment. right now.

time is fleeting and is passing by like the wind. moments we will never get back.

will you hit the pause button on life with me?

in this moment. settle down. be still. listen to the heartbeat of God. listen for His whispers.

i wonder if the reason the Lord speaks in a whisper is that you have to be in close proximity in order to hear a whisper.

you can't hear a whisper from a mile away.

you have to put your ear right next to the whisperer's face.

so push aside the business and distractions. turn of the noise and voices that are clouding your focus. and draw near to the heart of God. today. close enough to hear His whisper and dance along with His heartbeat. 

and when we draw near to Him, today, we will become more like Him. today. 

and isn't that really what we live for as Christ followers?

to love Jesus and to look more like Him.


Psalm 46:10 - "Be still and know that I am God."

*this post was part of a community of writers that take 5 minutes every Friday to write, just for the love of writing. you can join in at*


  1. Amen. Thank you so much for sharing what so many need to hear today. We've completely lost sight of today and being present in our daily life. We're continually looking at tomorrow or somewhere in the future and missing the blessings of today. Love this!

  2. What a wonderful post. So glad to be stopping by from the Five Minute Friday party.
