Friday, October 25, 2013


my best friend got married this past Saturday.

i had to honor of standing by her side and being her (unofficial) maid of honor...cause of family complications. ha.

but i have watched this girl go through hell and come out an absolutely ballin' overcomer.

i prayed for her for 5 years to come back to the Lord, and after 5 years of praying and believing that God's plan for her life was not over, destroyed, or ruined...last summer, I watched her walk down the church isle to give her heart, affection, commitment and life to Jesus. a week later i stood by her side for her "Jesus wedding" as she was baptized, making a public declaration of her love for the Lord.

last weekend, i stood and watched her walk down the same isle to give her heart, affection, commitment and life to the man God created to be her husband. i stood by her side in her God-ordained wedding. and i have never been more proud of someone in my life. i held back tears the whole time. amazed by all that God has done in her life over the past year and a half. honored to be her best friend, and amazed that God gave me such an incredible covenant friend. a sister. a relationship that will last a lifetime. our friendship has survived the test of time. 6 years and going strong. and the test of distance. i moved 1300 miles away for 2 years for college. she was mad, but we stayed close. and we've never been more close than we are today.

she is madly in love with Jesus, so much so that a lot of times her relationship with the Lord and her faith challenges me to press into Him even more than i am.

she is beauty.

and i am honored to do life with her.

we will be doing life together for the rest of our lives.

*This post is part of a community of bloggers called Five Minute Friday that takes 5 minutes every Friday to write, just for the love of writing. You can join in at* 


  1. This is beautiful, Kasey. I have a friend like this too, and we've been through ups and downs, and aren't living in the same town now either. But because we're both following Jesus, He keeps us together, and He keeps our hearts close. Wishing you many more happy years of friendship ahead.

  2. Nothing compares to friends who survive distance and trouble. What a blessing. Thanks for sharing on this lovely Friday! It was nice to drop by. Have a beautiful day and keep writing!

  3. How wonderful to have a friend like you to pray another back to the Lord. What a blessing! This was a beautiful take on "together".
