Friday, March 1, 2013

fierce, gentle, untameable love

There are moments in life when you can see God so clearly at work in your heart.

Right now is one of those moments.

I don't mean right now as in 6:06pm on March 1st, as I scribe these words. I mean right now. This season that I find myself in. There is nothing sweeter.

I have fallen in love with the One whom my soul loves all over again.

I had fallen in love with ministry and neglected the One who it is all about.

Right now, I am falling in love with Jesus all over again.

I see His beauty everywhere.

I hear His whispers echo through the deepest parts of my spirit.

I crave His words and devour His book every time I get a chance to open it.

The sun reflects His burning love for me in a way I've never seen, and I see that He shines brighter than a million suns.

I enter into worship and feel His presence immediately enrapture my whole being.

I sing love songs in my heart that only He can hear.

He sings songs to me that only I can hear.

He has opened up my ears to the symphonies of Heaven. Lending my spirit a chance to hear the songs that Heaven is singing over me.

He is the meditation of my heart and the obsession of my soul.

I can't go a day without Him. Not even a second away from His arms.

There is nothing else I have found that can satisfy the way that one word from His mouth can still my pounding heart.

He shows me things that I know are for me alone.

He romances me and dances with me in the heavenlies.

He teaches me and gently instructs me when I am wrong.

He forgives me when I begin to wander and turn my affections towards lesser lovers, and brings me back into the center of His love.

He shows me that it is always about Him. I am not the center of anything except for His love.

 I focused on doing. He is teaching me to be. Doing is secondary. Being is primary.

He is more focused on who I am than anything I can do for Him.

He is teaching me the beauty of humility and not being seen by anyone except Him. 

Ministry is beautiful. He is more beautiful.

He is my nearest, closest, dearest friend.

He is the One person I can be completely raw, open, vulnerable and real with- knowing He won't turn away. Ever.

Nobody knows my heart the way He does.

The good and the bad. The beautiful and the ugly. My strong points, and my deepest weaknesses.

When I feel alone, He is right there. Holding my hand.

His affections never end.

The kisses from His lips come in abundance. Through the rain. Sunsets. The wind in the trees. The beauty of creation says, "I made this for you. Yet you are more beautiful still. You are worth more to me than all this."

When I doubt the beauty that He created, He shows me that His beauty is embedded inside of me.

He gently loves me like the perfect Father that He is. He fiercely pursues my heart like a new Lover. 

He is showing me the unique piece of His heart that He has entrusted to me alone. 

When I slip back into doing and lackadaisical busyness, He brings me back to rest and being and shows me the why behind what He has made me to do. More importantly, He reminds me of Who I am doing it for.

The lusts of this life and desires of the flesh are temporary. His love goes on forever.

He is better.

He is greater.

This life means nothing without Him.

This world has nothing for me.

He is the One whom my soul loves.

My decision is made.

There will never be a turning away.

This is forever.

Covenant love with my Covenant God.

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