Saturday, November 27, 2010

10 Things I Love

1. Starting each morning driving to work or school with worship music blasting through my car speakers, singing at the top of my lungs.

2. Venting everything that is in my heart and head onto a piece of paper (or 10).

3. The rare occasion when I can go without makeup and still feel beautiful.

4. Dancing in a spring rain, letting it wash away and cleanse my spirit.

5. Having to sound of Spanish fill my ears.

6. Deep and meaningful conversations about things that are much bigger than me.

7. Laughing with my friends until we cry and our abs hurt.

8. Spending hours at my church just talking and fellowshipping with my church family.

9. Long hugs. I love hugs. I hate side hugs and really short hugs. Give me a big, long hug and I’ll be the happiest person ever.

10. Sunsets. When God paints the sky, He does it to show me His heart and love and whispers to me, “I love you, darling.”

What are 10 things you love?

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