Sunday, November 28, 2010

Emmanuel: God with us.

Have you ever taken a minute to think about what Christmas actually means? Me explico: Yes, we know that Jesus came as a baby and that is what we are celebrating, but, have you ever really thought about the significance of it all?

The day Jesus was born was the day God's eternal plan hit earth.

The birth of Jesus was the start of EVERYTHING.

I mean, how incredible is that?

The God of everything wrapped Himself in human flesh, spent 9 months in the womb of a mother, and became one of save us. This act is the single most amazing gift that has ever been given.

Imagine the scene: God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit sitting up in Heaven, looking down on earth. There is pain and suffering plaguing their creation. People dying without knowing the truth. People killing each other, betraying each other. Disease and sickness. Hatred. Sorrow. Everything bad that happens on our earth, nothing is hidden from the eyes of God. God the Father weeps over what is happening, and says "They need a Savior." Jesus steps forth and says, "I will go."

Now I know that sounds a bit ridiculous, as sending Jesus has always been the eternal plan of God to save mankind, but I like to think that Jesus, stepped forth like a superhero and offered Himself up to save us.

So Jesus came, as a baby, knowing full well the suffering that He would have to endure as a man. Yet, still He chose to came. He didn't have to be convinced or bribed with something such as...reigning forever at the right hand of the Father and having all His enemies as His footstool...No, He CHOSE the path. He chose to become a man, and to die for us.

I have a confession to make: I broke out the Christmas music 2 weeks early this year. I just couldn't resist. As I listened to is, I began to cry. Jesus gave Himself that we might be saved. There is no greater love than that of our Savior.

Hear some of the words of these songs:

"Long lay the world in sin and error pining, till' He appeared and the soul felt its worth."

"Chains shall He break, for the slave is our brother. And in His Name, all oppression will cease."

"Radiant beams from Thy holy face, with the dawn of redeeming grace."

"God and sinners reconciled."

"Pleased as man with man to dwell, Jesus our Emmanuel."

"Born that man no more may die. Born to raise the sons of earth, born to give them second birth."

"Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, and death's dark shadows put to flight."

Jesus has come.

His Name is Emmanuel: "God with us."

Not only did Jesus come, but He remains. He is God with us. Through His we have access to the Father, and He has given us the counselor of the Holy Spirit. No more let sin and sorrow reign, nor thorns infest the ground. He comes to make His blessings flow as far as the curse is found.

Christmas means: life, salvation, healing, freedom, hope, and eternal communion with the Living God.

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