Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Amiga del Alma :)

I want to introduce you to one of the most incredible people I know, Aly. She is my best friend, but she has grown to be so much more than that, she is my sister. Like we say in spanish, she is my 'amiga del alma'.

I met Aly about 3 and a half years ago, and she has had such an impact on my life. Over the years I have learned from her what it means to walk in constant communion, intimacy and love with Jesus. I have learned to hear the voice of God and turn to Him for all of my questions, needs and desires. She is a warrior, I cannot tell you how many times her prayers have gotten me through the dry and harsh seasons of life. God has connected our hearts and made us close as sisters. She is someone who you can always count on, faithful. She lives a life of purity, love, and strives for a life defined by holiness. She is the definition of beauty, and the beauty of God radiated from her smile, her life and all that she does and is. She is an extension of the love of God to everyone around her. Each time I see her, I am seeing Jesus inside of her. She is fun, and one of those people you just enjoy being around. I can sit with her in complete silence and nothing needs to be said. She is strong. She faces life with vigor, passion, and valor. Even in her low points, brokenness, and pain, she stays strong because she depends on God to give her strength.

Aly was and is an answer to my prayers. A month or so before I met Aly, I asked God to send me a friend who could be my sister. A month later I met Aly, and was so drawn to her spirit and the life inside of her. I just had to know her, so I asked if she would let me be in her small group. :) we spent countless hours talking and learning about God, praying for each other, studying the Word, and doing life together. She went from being my accountability leader, to my friend, and now my sister. I thank God for allowing me to be a part of her life, it is such a blessing.

Aly, I pray that your life be filled to overflowing with the love and blessings of our King. That your heart would be protected within His. That as you walk out this journey of life, you would encounter God more deeply and sweetly each day. That you would always keep the light you have and never let go of the hope you have found in Christ. That in your marriage, and when you become a mother that God would continue to use you to give life to this world and you would be covered with His blessing. Sisters forever, even when were on opposite sides of the world.

You are a diamond. I love you so much.

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