Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Flawed and Beautiful.

Insecurity is something that runs so rampant in our day and age. Us women are bombarded with images of the "perfect woman" and encouraged to strive to be just like her. You know what I'm talking about, sister. She is tall, skinny, large busted but not too big, perfect skin, perfect teeth, no wrinkles or blemishes, she is flawless. But, is there such thing as flawless, having an airbrushed look? Absolutely not.

If God wanted all of us to look like the image we are held to, wouldn't He have made us all the same? But He didn't. God loves unique things, hence, why He created each one of us different from each other. Some of us are tall, some are short, some average. Some have brown hair, some blonde, some red. Some have blue eyes, some green, some brown. Some of us have bigger bones than the other. We have different skin types and tones. We are all different. But, is that bad? I believe it is a good thing.

Beauty is defined as "Excellent in its kind." Did that hit you like it hit me? When you realize that you are beautiful exactly as you are, you know that you are excellent, wonderful.

Psalm 139:14 says, "I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well." You, lovely sister, are the sum of fear and wonder. Creation stands in awe of your beauty. You are the crown of creation. You reflect what is beautiful. You, being made in the very image of God, cannot deny that you are beautiful as He is beauty.

You can hear it from the people around you on a regular basis, but when someone says, "You are beautiful", can you not only accept their compliment but also really believe it? If you can't, sister, you must begin to see yourself through the eyes of the One who made you. He sees you as His precious, beautiful daughter. He sees you as perfect. He shaped you and created every detail of your body, personality and heart exactly as you are for a reason. He knows what He is doing.

In the creation story, whenever God finished creating something, the Bible says that He would look at what He had made and saw that it was good. Sister, when He created you just exactly how He wanted, He looked at you and He saw that you were and are very good. What He has made is good, it is great, it is lovely. You are good.

Lovely one, I challenge you to go stand in front of a mirror and look at the good that God has made. Say to yourself, "I am beautiful." Say it until finally you believe it in your heart. Let God whisper in your ear, "You are beautiful, my beloved." Don't let your worth be defined by the world, by words that have been spoken, by thoughts you have had. Rather, let your worth be defined in the fact that God has called you good. Learn that beauty is found in imperfection, it proves you're real and not some made up image created by media.

You are altogether lovely, sisters.

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